dinsdag 19 mei 2015

Worlds’ biggest meeting on industrial hemp kicks off

EIHA’s 12th Conferention kicks off
Worlds’ biggest meeting on industrial hemp

While Christian Europe make themselves ready to celebrate the effusion of the holy spirit, hemp professionals from Europe and beyond gather for the biggest meeting in industrial hemp. On the 2015 edition of the International Conference of the European Industrial Hemp Association 24 speakers will give insights in all relevant developments from the world of hemp. This 12th edition takes place on the 20th and 21st of May. Topics that are discussed range from the automotive sector, which uses hemp panels in luxury cars, to different use of CBD.

The conference kicks of with a Country Overview Session in which speakers from Italy, Czech Republic and Austria discuss hemp in their countries. From South Africa comes Tony Budden from Hemporium. He will give detailed information on the future developments of South African hemp farming. After that Jos Popkens from Dutch company GroeNoord Ag&Turf will discuss the dual cropping technique he developed in close corporation with Hemp Flax. In the following program Fibres, Bio-Composites & Automotive are discussed. In this rather techy session details and new insights in the processing of hempfibres and shives are discussed. Special attention is given to the use of hemp in cars.

Day two starts of with a program on building with hemp. The program shows this industry has moved from hempcrete alone. The third speaker Dutchman Paul Rayar from Arcilla Research for instance will speak on the protection of fibers from outside influences. The second subject of day two is Hemp Food. Three speakers tell about market conditions and regulations in both Europe and Northern America. CBD closes the conference. No less than 8 speakers deal with topics like market condition, the therapeutically use of CBD and regulation within the EU.

Besides the conference the conference is also host to an exhibition which shows products from BAFA Neu (DE), Endoca (USA), Canna Power B.V (NL), CannaVest Europe (DE),  Dupetit Natural Produts (DE), Hempro Int. (DE), MH Medical Hemp (DE),  Next Gen / GreenRush Financial Conferences (CA), Österreichischer Hanf Verband (AT),  Propaganda Production (SK), Sachsen-Leinen (DE), Surface Measurement Systems (UK).

donderdag 14 mei 2015

From head start to lagger

How the lack of Dutch jurisdiction is killing a flowering industry

Oh the nineties, those were the days. Many readers now envision great music, the rising of the internet or Pamela Anderson in her fullest glory. But there is more to this great decade. Especially if you focus on the Dutch hemp scene. It was the time when Sensi seeds developed the biggest seed bank for psychoactive hemp, when Hoodlamb established itself as the leading brand in hemp clothing and when Hemplflax was founded. Hemp in Holland was new, exciting and winning.

Sensi seeds a prime example of Dutch entrepreneurship 

Industrial hemp flourished in those days because the rules for its psychoactive nephew were among the most progressive worldwide. Hemp entrepreneurs entering the scene as growers or coffee shop owners realized that there was much more to the plant than a pleasant high. They started being interested in industrial hemp as well. The best example of this development is Ben Dronkers. While travelling a young Dronkers came in touch with cannabis and decided to build a career and a company around the plant. His Sensi seeds developed quickly in the to go seed provider in Amsterdam and is now the leading bank for hemp seeds worldwide.

For Dronkers the seed bank was only the startup of a bigger hemp emporium. In 1994 he was involved in the founding of Hempflax. A farming company that grows industrial hemp and makes a variety of hemp products. Recently this company from Oude Pekela in Groningen acquired about 700 ha. of ground in Romania and expanded it’s business to this part of Europe making Dronker Holland’s internationally renowned hemperor.

In this climate of entrepreneurship also Hemp Works and Hoodlamb were founded. The former an Amsterdam based shop specializing in hemp products the latter a clothing label that was founded to put industrial hemp and sustainable fashion on the map. Hempflax, Hoodlamd and Hemp Works; three companies with proven success that fit right in the sustainability ambitions of European governments these days.

Fast forward to 2015. Hemp Works closed it’s shop. According to there website founder Adam Dunn ‘settled in Denver, Colorado promoting all things hemp with his creative space and showroom.’ From this city Dunn started the Free George campaign. A campaign named after George Washington probably the greatest man who ever lived in the USA. His original occupation? Hemp farmer. And Dunn is having success. The recent wave of legalization that is sweeping America isn't just good for smoked cannabis. It also helps re-establishing industrial hemp as one of the important crops within American farming.

And what about Holland? Does the country profit from the head start it had during the nineties? The answer is no or at least not enough. With the bold decision to legalize every aspect of hemp farming Colorado made itself the center of a big investment wave. Funds operating within the hemp industry are widely available. Legal marijuana is the fastest growing part of the American economy. Legal marijuana is providing profits and jobs and Holland is losing its founding fathers of the hemp industry to Colorado.

The Dutch development is completely based on legislation. But funny enough it doesn't have to do with Dutch law but rather with a lack of it. The marijuana business in Holland has never been completely legal. Yes coffee shops can sell weed to their customers but how it gets to the shop has never been arranged by law. And with a minister of justice who claims that he ‘knew people that died of smoking marijuana or hashish’ new legislation is further away then ever.

So while the USA is making a quick change towards legal marijuana – after Colorado states like Washington, Oregon and soon probably California made the shift towards legal marijuana as well - Holland is sitting still. The country’s head start is wasted while the lack of laws work in favor of criminals. Many cities in the Netherlands are open towards experiments with legal marijuana growing but the national government effectively kills of every initiative. This catch 22 will probably stand till lobbyist from Monsanto and Philip Morris urge on changing European laws. By that time legal marijuana is well beyond its start up face and all the profit will run up the corporate ladder straight into the pockets of American companies.         

dinsdag 12 mei 2015

This week’s product: Hoodlamb Summer Tech 420

A jacket is a jacket, right? Well don’t tell that to the boys and girls at Hoodlamb for they will truly laugh at your face. With the all new Summer Tech 420 they managed to take all the good things from one of their classics into the warm period of year. The outside is made from a mix of 55% and 45% Herringbone organic cotton while on the inside the lining is made from organic cotton Sateen. Besides being comfortable you can also be rebellious in this jacket. Need to hide some documents or rolling paper? No problem this jacket has secret places for it.

Hoodlambs' Summer Tech 420 © Hoodlamb

Hoodlamb was founded in the nineties as a brand specializing in surf clothing. From this point it developed into a brand with a keen vision on sustainability. At their core philosophy lies the use and promotion of industrial hemp which is the basis material for all of their clothing. Besides industrial hemp they also use organic cotton and recycled plastic for their garments.

Hoodlambs' special linging © Hoodlamb

Worth mentioning separately is the lining that is used in the winter version of the Tech 420 jacket. It is made from a fake fur that is soft warm and durable. It is made from 20% hemp 35% percent recycled pet and 45% acrylic satifur. Both summer and winterversion of the 420 are impregnated with a special oil based on hemp seed which ensures that the jackets are 100% waterproof.

maandag 11 mei 2015

Did you know…. (hemp history)

That hemp was the first plant mankind grew for its fibers. Before there were flax and cotton the Chinese planted hemp seeds to make materials as rope and linen. These materials were needed by craftsman and helped to build the earliest elements of our world wide civilization. The oldest example of industrial hemp is more then 12.000 years old. When we stopped roaming the earth and became farmers. Hemp was there and helped us to achieve our goal.

The reason for the early domestication is clear. Hemp grows easily also on less fertile ground. It doesn't require much water. And hemp is resistant to most deceases. In modern days these three attributes mean that only little fertilizer is needed and that hemp grows without the use of pesticides. In ancient timers it meant that without all to much care it grew on almost any soil giving a rich harvest year after year. This meant that in a civilization without any agricultural knowledge hemp was the to go for crop.

As was the case in the 20th century hemp was grown for military purposes as well. Soldiers fought in clothing made of hemp, used bowstrings made of hemp and defended flags made of the same material. Paper holds a special place within human civilization. For years it was the only information carrier helping getting messages through time and space. In China a form of proto-paper (like papyrus) was made from silk. I was only when ancient Chinese realized that mixing the fibers of hemp with mulberry bark produced a cheap strong and lighter form of paper that writing really took off.  


zondag 10 mei 2015

Hempworks Amsterdam shut down for business

After being Amsterdam's and Holland’s most popular hemp clothing shop for twenty years Hempworks closed its doors april 17th 2015. In a statement on the shop’s former website founders Douglas Mignola and Adam Dunn explain they will continue their work on promoting hemp products.
The former shop in het city of Amsterdam. For twenty years it was the go to shop for a big variety of hemp products. 
Douglas is focusing on the former shop’s clothing label Hoodlamb. Adam is moving to Denver Colorado. In the slipstream of legalizing Marijuana the state of Colorado also legalized growing industrial hemp, making the state one of the most important regions in the hemp boom that will bring jobs and profit.


zaterdag 9 mei 2015

HempFlax plants 700 Ha. of industrial Hemp in Romania

This spring a new adventure will start for one of Holland’s finest new agricultural businesses. HempFlax will plant over 700 Ha. of industrial hemp on newly acquired fields in Romania. It is also here that the company that has been growing and processing hemp since 1994 in Oude Pekela (Groningen) has build a new hemp processing facility which will be Europe’s biggest once all the plans are realized. The total production of industrial hemp grown by HempFlax or ordered by the company is now little over 4000 Ha.

Moving to Romania doesn’t just mean finding new territory in the literal sense. It also means exploring the possibilities on a new part of the plant. Due to the climate in The Netherlands it hasn't been possible for the company to grow hemp for seeds and fibers alike. The dry autumn of Romania however ensures that dual cropping in the most literal way is possible. For this purpose HempFlax transformed a John Deere cropping machine in such a fashion that it is now possible to harvest both top and bottom of the plant. From the top come the seeds, from the stem the fibers.

Hemp seed is durable food in itself, it is rich with proteins and contains lots of other good nutrients. It is the only vegetable source for all good fatty acids known to nature. Once pressed into oil there are a lot of other purposes. Ranging from flavoring up a salad to cooking. It is even possible to run a diesel engine on it, but given its excellent healthy properties, this would be a complete waste.

HempFlax is Hollands biggest hemp company. It has been growing industrial hemp since 1994 and is known in the automobile industry for the car door panels it produces. If you drive a Mercedes of BMW there is big chance that your door is filled with one of their products. Besides these panels it also uses hemp tot make excellent insulation. A recent experiment of the company resulted in the realization of the first hempcrete house to be build in the Netherlands.    

Corporate video by HempFlax

woensdag 6 mei 2015

Zeoform available for crowdfunding

Zeoform, the material made from hemp and water, is now available for crowdfunding. With this campaign Zeoform inventor and companyfounder Alf Wheeler hopes to find one million dollar which he will use to build an American production facility which will help making Zeoform available worldwide. 

Video showing Zeoform (video owned by Zeoform)

Willing to invest in what Wheeler is sure to be the material of the future? 

Check: http://www.gofundme.com/zeoform

dinsdag 5 mei 2015

Building with hemp in Germany

It might sound crazy, but when you look for a house made from hemp in Germany, you won’t find one. Although Germany is Europe’s leading country concerning sustainability nobody managed to build a house from hemp. The question that arises is: why? The answer is difficult to find.

A hemp build house in Oude Pekala (The Netherlands) Photo: Dagblad van het Noorden

It is not the law neither culture. Since 1997 it has been legal to grow industrial hemp in Germany. Farmers and businessman alike used this opportunity. Till 2006 the numbers of hemp fields grew steadily. In 2006 about 1.356 Ha. was grown by 214 companies. In 2014 that number shrunk to 100 companies and 715 Ha. It is striking that the withdrawal of a EU subsidy in 2012 hardly influences the growing of industrial hemp. The number of companies involved in the hemp game remained steady at about a hundred since 2011. In 2014 there combined crop grew with about 300 Ha. So it seems that 17 years of legalized hemp growing in Germany has lead to a 100 farmers growing it with success. 

In spite of the ending of European subsidies it is fair to state that the political will to turn hemp into a success is present. In 2013 Hock GmbH & Co’s president Carmen Hock-Heyl received the ‘Deutscher Umwelt Preis’ for her product insulation mats. These are hemp based insulation panels. And all tough the video made for the award ceremony contains the inevitable joke about smoking the product the cultural barrier to grow and sell hemp seems absent. The packaging of the insulation material show the five fingered leave with pride.  

The lacking of a hemp based house can’t be explained from a lack of production either. Besides of the insulation mats from Hock there are numerous other company’s  that produce building material made of hemp. One of them is Hanffaser Übermarck. A processing plant where farmers bring there crop. Here the plant is turned into raw materials for a number of products. Ranging from building block to insulation and from door panel used in the automotive industry tot humidity controlling mortar.     

Looking for German’s first hemp house is researching pointes that are few and wide across. Connecting them gives to little information to give birth to a pattern which in the end will lead to building a house from hemp. German cellars are moist free due to hemp. The plant keeps German attics warm in winter and cold in summer. German kids are playing on hemp floors. So the answers to why there is no hemp house in Germany is easy. Nobody ever build one or the sustainable explorer that build it never took the effort to share his work with the world.